
A Note from the Pastor

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!  2 Corinthians 5:17

As I get older, what I’ve come to realize is that human beings are people of repetition. It is very easy for us to get into a routine. Sometimes those routines offer stability and serve a positive purpose. At other times, our routines can turn into cycles of complacency, stress, or strife. Coronavirus, unfortunately, has resulted in quite a few bad habits for people. For instance, I was much more physically active before the pandemic. Now I find myself drawn more easily to the couch and a bag of chips! While it’s much easier to fall into bad habits, breaking free from them remains more challenging. 

The Good News is that Christ promises that change is possible! In Christ, we are new creations where the old has gone and the new is here. Through Christ, God gives us the power to change our attitudes and actions. At the same time, this change does not happen overnight. Indeed, to encounter the grace of Christ may happen in a moment, but to grow in Christ-likeness takes a lifetime. More so, in order to change it will require a level of intention and diligence from each of us.

Based on a few scriptures, I would like to suggest three particular areas where “if” we choose to be diligent, God promises change in our lives. First, be diligent in our attitude toward Christ. Scripture says that those who “seek” will find. (Mt 6:33) If we hunger and thirst for Christ more than desiring pleasure, money, or success – we are promised that we shall indeed find Him. Second, be diligent in your commitment to Christ. Jesus calls us to be his disciples, and the life of any disciple is to commit themselves; to make an intentional decision to follow Him. This autumn, make a commitment, whether it be to attend services, join a weekly ZOOM ministry, or serve the needy. Third, be diligent in renewing your mind to be like that of Christ. (Romans 12:1) Many people are fixed in their opinions and thoughts. But if God is truly going to change us from the inside out, we need a teachable spirit. This autumn, be open to the possibility that God wants to show you something new. Humble yourselves by having an open mind.  

If we seek Christ with all our heart, if we commit ourselves to Him, and if we allow our minds to be teachable and moldable, I believe God will begin to bring about beautiful change in our lives. The old will begin to fade, and the new life that Christ promises of joy, hope, peace, and love will flourish. 

Pastor Kim
