  • Prayer Chain

  • Tithes & Offerings

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Note From Pastor
10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. – 1 Peter 4:10

There is a phrase that people use today called “pay it forward.” It refers to the idea that if you are the beneficiary of an act of kindness, instead of “paying back” the person who showed kindness to you, you pay it forward by showing kindness and generosity toward someone else who needs it. 

Paying it forward is not a secular concept but a Christian mandate! 1 Peter 4:10 says that God has granted each of us gifts and graces in various forms. From our unique created self (there is not one single person in the world like you!) to various blessings like family, freedom, education, opportunities, and resources, every person has received certain gifts. The scripture goes on to say, “whatever gift you have received, to serve others as faithful stewards.” In other words, God has given to us so that we might “pay it forward.”

During the Korean War, my father’s entire family was profoundly influenced by a Methodist army chaplain who took our family under his wings. In need of work and having proficiency in English, my uncle found work translating sermons for Reverend Muller. Through my uncle’s relationship with this chaplain, eventually the entire family became deeply committed followers of Jesus Christ. Even when Rev. Muller returned home after the war, it was his local church that provided financial support for both my uncle and father to study at seminary in the United States.

When people ask me why I decided to become a missionary and live in Kazakhstan, one of the main reasons was because I wanted to pay it forward. My family history was forever impacted through a missionary, and I wanted to be used by God in the same way. 

At Community UMC, our desire is “pay forward” to our community the blessings each of us have received from God. As we celebrate “Stewardship Month” during May, I pray that through your passions, skills, resources, and prayers, you might be faithful stewards of all that God has given you as we extend Christ’s love to our community and beyond, all for the glory of God

God’s steward,

Pastor Eumin Kim 

Mission Statement

We at COMMUNITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH as disciples of Jesus Christ, are called by God
-to deepen our faith through inspiring worship and challenging small group study,
-to build our fellowship through hospitality and acceptance, and
-to transform the world through active service and faithful witness.

We have people, love, and worship to help you in your search for God. Thank you for visiting today!
